The Delta Assessment


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Instructions after printing

  1. Fold the page down the center line (seriously, don’t skip this)

  2. In the “Importance Rating” column, assign a value of 1-10 for how important each aspect is to your meaningful life, with 10 being extremely meaningful. Do this before proceeding to the next instructions.

  3. Flip your folded page and, without looking at the ‘importance’ values you assigned, complete the ‘Expenditure Rating” column. Assign a value of 1-10 for how much time you expend on each of the aspects listed, with 10 being the greatest amount of time.

  4. Finally, unfold the page. Score the difference between the two columns of each line, writing each result in the far right hand side of the page. You may have positive or negative numbers and zeroes.  

    Positive numbers = Areas in which you are underspending your time relative to your sense of meaning
    Negative numbers = Areas in which you are
    overspending your time relative to your sense of meaning
    Zeroes = Area(s) you are
    right on in terms of spending your time relative to your sense of meaning

  5. Circle the three areas that have the largest score differential. These are the areas in your life which have the greatest delta between what’s important to you and how you spend your time and energy.