To my haters
From the video:
Hello, Kate here. Founder and author of the You Might Die Tomorrow
Today, I am here to talk about the extreme polarization I am encountering from people regarding the title of my project, You Might Die Tomorrow. And to start off, just to be clear, You Might
Die Tomorrow is about life. My mission is to inspire people to live urgently with love, joy, and gratitude. But it is also about death - and that's a very difficult topic, I think for everyone, actually. I don't think there is anyone for whom death isn't fraught with emotion and fear and dread, really. But, what I am trying to do with You Might Die Tomorrow is to help people understand that this concept of death - which is really one of the only things that we can rely on in life, is something that I think will always have some fear with it - but what's possible is that you can take that fear and can take this idea of scarcity of life use it to help you understand what's important to you in your life, and use it to find motivation to do what you want to do. I am a procrastinator. I do it! And having a deadline in life helps motivate me to get that shit done now.
You know, it was Steve Jobs actually who said that death is the greatest tool that he's encountered to figure out what's important to him in his life. He said this at a commencement speech before he was diagnosed with cancer for the second time. He said that in the face of death - and I'm paraphrasing - all the bullshit in life fades away. This need for acceptance and the lies that we tell ourselves - it just sort of falls away and in its place we are left with this clarity. What do we want to do? Who do we love and want to make sure they know we love them?
So this is what my project is about. My project is about living life. I call it a scare tactic on myself, essentially, because I think death will always be scary but I like to use that fear to get my shit
together and accomplish things I want to do in my life. Now on the other hand, I understand that death is extremely complex and there are people that have gone through really difficult losses. And for this, I am sorry. It's not easy for anyone to go through this. I recognize that for some people, they won't be comfortable with inviting death into your life and sitting with that fear the way that I have. You absolutely don't need to engage with me. But for those that are inspired, and are willing to consider the idea that thinking about death can bring an insane clarity and and insane zeal to your life, come along with me! We're going to have a lot of fun, and we're
going to do some really epic shit.
I want to hear from you. Whether this concept of You Might Die Tomorrow really scares you and you hate it and you wish I would just shut the hell up, or if it's inspired you to do something amazing, or if you've had a brush with death that has changed your outlook on life...I want to hear all of your stories. It is about life, so in the meantime, get out there and live, and have fun every single day.